For those who are wondering, tantric massage is legal. It’s the stigma surrounding tantric massage and the confusion between erotic and tantric practices that makes getting a tantric massage seem immoral, overwhelming and something you’d rather keep a secret.

So, how can you be sure that the tantric massage you book behind closed doors is above board? 

Here are a few red flags to look out for. 

Location, Location, Location

Where the service will occur is just as important, ensuring you’re entering a clean, safe and private environment where you and your tantra are comfortable. Steer away from tantric agencies that offer massage services on-site in a parlour (as this is illegal in the UK). This type of service will feel more like a mass operation rather than an intimate massage and will leave you with little way of telling whether a tantra has consented to the set-up. Reputable agencies will empower their workers to deliver a discreet, luxury experience from a private apartment. This arrangement is better for you and your tantric masseuse, offering maximum confidentiality for the client and ultimate independence for the practitioner. 

Read the Boring Bits

Not many people bother to read the terms and conditions of any product or service before they buy. Yet tantric massage is a service you’ll want to dig deeper into. Simply scanning a terms and conditions page like our Terms of Enjoyment should give you the green light to book an appointment with the knowledge that there is no exploitation involved. On this type of page, you should see information about age restrictions, as well as strict rules regarding hygiene and conduct. What if you can’t find any terms and conditions? This is a sign there are very relaxed — if any — rules in place to protect your purchase and the people involved in the transaction. 

Frequent the FAQ Section 

Frequently asked questions exist on every reputable website to address common concerns. In tantric massage, these concerns range from queries about the experience to insecurities about privacy and practical questions about payment. The FAQ section is an agency’s chance to be transparent and honest about their policies, as well as reassure potential clients about the ease of experience. If an FAQ page doesn’t feel comprehensive, provide alternative ways to get advice or if it fails to exist at all, this isn’t good news. Although this doesn’t automatically categorise a company as illegal, it doesn’t represent best practice. 

Be Wary of Third-Party Agreements

When booking a tantric massage, the conversation should progress no further than the advertised services on the website. Anything beyond tantric massage — relating to sexual, illegal services — shouldn’t be directly mentioned or alluded to in booking phone calls and certainly shouldn’t be discussed on the tantric masseuse’s behalf as this is a sign of coercion, exploitation and agency profiteering. Payment for services shouldn’t be negotiable and should mirror any other legal transaction where a customer receives satisfactory, if not superior service and pays the advertised price. 

Browse the Blog

You’ll want your chosen agency to have an active blog — even if you’re not interested in reading it. Company blogs show industry expertise and build trust. So, if an agency website is basic at best, it’s a small warning signal that the owners are looking for volume bookings rather than repeat customers. In tantric massage, you’ll want to look for blog posts that explain the service, describe the benefits and shed more light on specialist practice. Leading agencies will even showcase the experience and qualifications of professional masseuses. 

It’s All in the Detail

High-class agencies will have an inviting website that doesn’t skimp on the details. You should be able to view a gallery of professional masseuses with clear imagery and information. At London Tantric, you can get to know about each masseuse before you make an appointment, noting details like their name, age, nationality, experience level and location. Ideally, you want to pick an agency that showcases the personality of each masseuse as well as the overarching service. Getting the perfect match for your intimate massage is essential, ensuring you’ll have an enhanced experience and genuine connection. 

Client Reviews

There’s nothing more reassuring than a positive testimonial that outlines a previous client’s experience. Every worthwhile agency should have a review page and space for reviews on each profile page to allow potential customers to read unbiased opinions. Reviews can help to verify that a masseuses appearance matches her picture. They can also give you a clearer picture of a masseuses personality and quickly calm any first-time nerves or privacy concerns. Many of our review writers are repeat customers who have built a close bond with a masseuse and can give a detailed account of what a tantric experience is like. 

Although booking a tantric massage can be impulsive, exciting and liberating, you should take the time to ensure that an agency is legal, as well as follows high service and hygiene standards. Using our tips to vet an agency only takes a few minutes and guarantees your experience will be pleasure-filled and safe. 

Read our Terms of Enjoyment and FAQ page to learn more about how we lawfully operate. Like what you see? Book an appointment by calling a member of our friendly team on +44 7793 203224