Sensual massage is a form of adult massage that can be performed in the home, or as part of a professional service. Intimacy, relaxation and escapism are the key benefits of sensual massage. By blending traditional massage techniques, with more intimate, arousing practices, sensual massage offers a plethora of perks ranging from muscle relaxation to sexual liberation. 


Also read: What’s the Difference Between Tantric and Sensual Massage?

Why Try a Sensual Massage? 

Apart from the obvious benefits of massage, sensual massage helps individuals and partnerships to overcome emotional barriers and blockages. How? The intimacy of this form of massage –– as opposed to traditional massages –– will allow you to confront any negativity in your life. This could involve moving on from a negative experience, building your character or strengthening an existing bond with your partner. 

For this reason, sensual massage is often viewed as an informal form of therapy.

During the massage, your tantrica will take control. As she slowly explores your body, you may feel more vulnerable than usual and able to reflect. As somebody else takes over your physical self, creating sensations across your body, your lessened responsibility will help you to clear your mind. With this new mental freedom comes the ability to focus on what’s important to you. 

To enhance the experience, your tantrica will set the scene either in your private residence, hotel or in her luxury apartment. This is one of the few times where you’ll feel completely detached from the outside world. By removing yourself from the noise, you’ll get an objective view of your life, its problems and opportunities. 

As you can see, sensual massage is much more than a one-dimensional physical experience. It encompasses your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. 

The question is: why not try a sensual massage? 

Should You Enjoy Sensual Massage Alone –– or with a Partner? 

There are no rules when it comes to a sensual massage –– and who can benefit from them. 

You can give an amateur massage to your partner in the comfort of your own home or pay for a couples massage service

A sensual massage helps couples to:  

  • Work on intimacy issues

  • Overcome sexual problems

  • Encourage more open communication 

  • Develop long-term trust

  • Take a break from a rigid routine. 

Individuals can enjoy a discreet, sensual massage as part of a private session. In these sessions, it will be just you and a tantric masseuse enjoying the experience together. 

A sensual massage helps individuals to: 

  • Regain sexual confidence

  • Overcome trauma and anxiety 

  • Experience true escapism 

  • Become a more considerate partner

  • Improve your self-esteem. 

Whether you choose to indulge in sensual massage alone or with your partner, sensual massages are always consensual and confidential. 

What’s Involved in a Sensual Massage? 

Whether you want to learn how to perform a sensual massage or you’re looking to book a session, our professional process will help you: 

  • Gain consent: If you’re booking with us, our terms of enjoyment covers this step as does the confirmation of your appointment. You can do this through our easy-to-fill booking form, or by calling a member of our expert team. If you’re performing a massage for somebody else, make sure you have a conversation ahead of time to gain consent, discuss boundaries and get excited. 

  • Do your research: Researching a sensual, stimulating service might sound unnecessary and boring. After all, we would never want to strip the spontaneity of sensual massage. However, if the intimacy of sensual massage is raising some concerns, our FAQs page will put your mind at rest. Similarly, couples at home may want to read around the topic and practice some techniques before the real deal. 

  • Focus on the environment: A large part of our professional service is creating the right environment for our clients. We’re experts in creating an escape. Your masseuse will prepare her private boudoir ahead of time with plenty of mood lighting and music. Alternatively, she may bring items with her to set the scene upon arrival at a hotel or residence. Couples at home should do the same, revealing a tranquil, intimate setting. 

  • Pace, practice and partnership: A good sensual massage focuses on three things. Firstly, massages should be given at a slow pace, steadily increasing in intensity as the session progresses. Sensual massage should also be practised over time. Our talented masseuses are all qualified in tantric massage and continue to increase their knowledge and experience. Finally, sensual massage is all about partnership and losing your sense of self in the other person. It can happen between yourself and a masseuse or between two partners and techniques like body to body massage allow you to achieve a heightened sense of relaxation and devotion to another person. 

Lose yourself in sensual massage. Book an appointment instantly or call a member of our expert team on 07793 203 224.