One of the questions I get asked most often is why I decided to become a tantric masseuse in London. Whilst my answers are personal to my own experience, I think it’s fair to say that as a breed, us tantric masseuses have a deep passion for the art of massage and enjoy connecting with others

I had a tantric massage that changed my life.

Arguably, young women are the least likely to pay for a tantric massage. For me though that wasn’t the case. I wanted to experience something that none of my young sexual partners at the time were able to give me. I wanted to go beyond what seems to be the norm and experience deep and meaningful emotions. So, I booked a tantric massage and I swear I can still feel my masseuse’s hands on my body all these years later. She changed my life because she taught me what it meant to be in power of my sensuality and from then on I knew I wanted to do the same.

I love sensuality and sex.

From a young age I was interested in how to express sensuality and what I could achieve through it. I found myself experimenting early on with how to push things further in the bedroom and outside of it. I was insatiable. So, in the end becoming a tantric masseuse helps me experience sensuality on a daily basis.

I believe in what tantric massages can do for people.

Simply put, I think tantric massages can do for others what they did for me. I believe tantric massages can change our lives for the better and bring us closer to our natural state of being. I want to help people experience that. I want to help people experience satisfaction on levels that they aren’t even aware of. I want to put the brain back in the center of our sensual encounters and I want people to love doing it.

I could probably list at least 15 more reasons but those are the main three and I hope it helps dispel the myth of tantric masseuses and why we do what we do.