Having a massage of any kind can be a mind-blowing experience, but how do you make the most of it?

Preparing for a massage can make all the difference to your experience. From getting yourself in the right frame of mind to wearing the right clothes, it’s the little things that’ll make you feel at ease before doing something outside of your comfort zone.

We’ll take you through what happens during a mind-blowing London Tantric massage and explain the benefits of preparing yourself to experience blissful relaxation.

What to Wear to a Massage

Starting with your clothes, you should wear something that you feel comfortable in. Wearing uncomfortable shoes or work attire can take your mind off relaxation, putting you in the wrong state of mind and detracting from the massage experience. Wearing loose-fitting clothes that are easy to put on and take off will help you relax before your booking and also make the experience a lot smoother and enjoyable.

You’ll need to remove any clothing and jewellery that could get in the way of the massage, such as necklaces and watches. Your massage therapist will need to access different areas of your body without clothes or jewellery getting in the way, but you don’t have to remove your undergarments if you don’t want to. If it makes you feel more comfortable to keep them on, that’s absolutely fine.

How to Mentally Prepare for a Massage

It’s important to approach the massage with an open mind to get the maximum benefit from the experience. Try not to let your everyday worries affect the enjoyment of the massage itself, and don’t worry about feeling embarrassed or shy –– you’ll be in safe hands with a highly-trained massage therapist. Being present and “in the moment” will make the massage more unique and help you focus on relaxation, so put your worries to one side and let the masseuse –– or masseuses –– work their magic.

Communicating Your Needs to Your Massage Therapist

While talking during the massage might take the focus away from your body, it’s important to tell your massage therapist what you like –– and don’t like –– so they can give you the best experience possible.

Speaking to London Tantric’s friendly reception team beforehand can help you establish what you want from the experience. It’ll help your masseuse deliver a staggeringly pleasurable massage and allow you to focus on what you like without worrying about anything you don’t want to happen.

Preparing for Your Massage: Food and Drink 

Being too full before a massage can make you feel uncomfortable. If you’re planning a meal around your massage experience, schedule it a few hours before you’re due to have the massage, or eat afterwards and replenish yourself after the breathtaking experience.

It’s also essential you don’t drink too much alcohol beforehand. It’s understandable if you feel a bit nervous before entering an intimate setting –– especially if it’s your first massage –– but dulling your senses will spoil the experience, taking you away from the present moment where the action is happening. It’ll benefit you greatly if you’re able to work with our beautiful masseuses so you can connect with them and the experience. Save a drink until afterwards and allow yourself to be captivated by the beauty of our masseuses and the magic they’ll use to create a relaxing yet highly erotic atmosphere.

Be in The Present by Minimising Distractions

Finally, leave all possible distractions at the door. Turn off your mobile phone and try to put your worries aside so you can be present during the experience. You can rely on our masseuses to help you relax, too; their stunning looks and magical presence will bring you right into the present moment.

Conclusion: Preparing for a Mind-Blowing Massage

It’s important to mentally and physically prepare for a highly intense physical experience. But while preparation is essential, you can rely on our beautiful and talented masseuses to take care of your every need as soon as you meet them. If you’ve followed our guide, you can look forward to a spell-binding experience in the hands of our incredible ladies that you’ll want to relive again and again. 

Are you ready for an incredible experience? Get in touch with our friendly reception team today and book a tantric massage that’ll blow your mind.