This week we are exploring an erotic twist to a classic tantric massage session, the Tie and Tease Massage, as described by resident tantric expert Sara.

Adding Extra Eroticism To Body To Body Massage

Many people can be nervous to try this type of role play for the first time and may also wonder how it fits into a pampering massage experience, conjuring up as it may do to some people the idea of punishment rather than pleasure. However, when used intuitively and for mutual pleasure, tie and tease can really enhance the eroticism of a massage session.

With the stresses and responsibilities of daily life, it can be very difficult to step out of our public persona in order to embrace our desire to be pampered, to feel pleasure, and to relinquish full control to another person, trusting them enough to unwind and allow them to set the pace of your encounter.

Relax More Deeply With Dark Tantric Massage

Letting go completely as your masseuse guides you through pleasurable and exciting sensations can be so thrilling however. As you relinquish your control, so do you let go of your stress and anxiety, enabling you to be entirely present in the moment; here and now, amongst the scented aroma of her candlelit boudoir, at the mercy of her sensuous touch, as she controls your arousal levels with her sensual massage strokes and her intuition for just how to increase your blissful sensations whilst still holding you on the edge of true abandon for as long as possible.

By binding the wrists, or fully binding the body if this is your preference, your tantric goddess symbolises her complete control of you. This also acts as a physiological trigger- aiding muscle relaxation and a release of chemicals through which the brain enables full body relaxation. As the body unwinds, accepting its fate as captor of your beautiful tantric temptress, so does the mind follow; enabling you to rise further and further to the heights of bliss, as she teases you still further with an erotic body to body tantric massage.

Experiment in a Safe, Respectful Environment

All tantric masseuses who enjoy Tie and Tease Massage are passionate about the intuitive, erotic dynamic which takes place during a truly satisfying tantric massage experience, and will be open to experimenting with you as to what feels safe, what feels pleasurable, and what feels downright incredible These sessions are very much about connecting with each other on a sensual, psychological, and even spiritual level, and its not uncommon to forge a deep bond with someone during these incredibly intimate experiences. And then of course, the fun is only just beginning as you begin to uncover more and more teasing scenarios which you both want to continue exploring together.