One of the amazing things tantric massages offer once we set out on this new and enriching journey, is an overall acceptance of our bodies. One of the main concerns prior to a first massage can be about shedding our clothes in front of someone we’ve only just met; many of us may feel a little shy and perhaps even embarrassed. Rest assured however that your masseuse is completely at ease with nudity, and appreciates the human form in all shapes and sizes. She will guide you through pleasurable sensations at a pace which is comfortable for you both, enabling you to gain pleasure from your own body and from the sensation of having it touched in a sensual, caring way. This is the beginning of accepting your body through Tantra.

Tantric practitioners have learned to get comfortable with their bodies and to understand the beauty that is inherent within them. This lesson is so important for new practitioners. Your body is beautiful and yes your masseuse does think you’re attractive no matter what, and the more you experience tantra I’d be willing to bet that the more you’ll see that your body is beautiful too, because as we progress on our tantric adventures we begin to recognise our body’s ability to heal, love, feel pleasure and also give pleasure to others.

Once you’re able to accept your body the way it is you’ll be able to accept that the pleasure you’re having from Tantra can be extrapolated to other areas of your life. Tantric massages can be a great way to do this and all you need to do is simply walk inside and get comfortable in your own skin. Being in alignment with our physicality can enhance our wellbeing in many ways, from recognising when we need to rest, to reducing our stress levels, to knowing how to seek the pleasurable sensual experiences we desire.