Here at London Tantric, we offer both incall and outcall tantric massage. So whichever is more convenient for you, you can be sure to relax in comfort within the time it takes to make a quick phone call and a short taxi ride. An incall massage is when you visit one of our beautiful ladies at her luxurious, private apartment; we have masseuses throughout central London, so you are sure to have a lady close to you. Alternatively, an outcall massage is when you invite your chosen lady to your hotel or residence so that you can indulge in some tantric pampering without having to step a foot outside your door.

Should I book an incall London Tantric massage or an outcall London Tantric massage?

We often get asked whether we recommend incall or outcall massage as the more pleasurable option. This depends on which is most convenient and desirable for you, as we can easily accommodate either request whilst delivering the high standard of elite relaxation and luxury ambience which we have become known for in our six years of providing tantric massages to London’s most discerning tantric clientele.

What happens during a Tantric Massage London incall?

Our masseuses are known for providing a warm welcome. Located throughout central London’s most affluent and pleasant areas, their apartments are perfect sanctuaries of calm, luxury relaxation. Clean, luxurious, private and discreet, all of our incall locations are kitted out with flickering candles, relaxing music, a range of massage oils, and fresh, fluffy towels and clean bedding for each session. You will always be invited to shower both before and after your sensual London Tantric massage, with quality bathing products provided for you in a clean and pleasant bathroom.

Can I book a London Massage outcall instead? Would I need to provide anything for this?

All that is required for us to book an outcall is for you to get in touch with us, providing your hotel name or the address of your residence. If you require an ASAP booking, we can have your masseuse with you within 30 minutes. Your tantrica will bring her massage oils, a few candles and relaxing music with her, enabling her to transform your environment into the perfect place for a sensual adventure, and so there is no need for you to provide anything for the session beyond a few clean towels.

Is booking a tantric massage in London discreet?

First-time enquirers can understandably be concerned about whether our service is discreet. Rest assured, your privacy is of the utmost importance to us, which is reflected in every stage of your booking experience.  Not only do we handle your data securely and delete any records of your booking as soon as the session has ended in the interests of anonymity and data protection, but our policy of complete discretion is also evident in the dress and demeanour of our ladies when they attend outcalls. Arriving punctually and smartly yet attractively dressed, our chic and stylish ladies blend in perfectly amongst any 5-star London hotel or whilst attending any salubrious address. Rest assured, however, though they arrive dressed as perfect ladies, they will surely have a sexy surprise in store for you when they undress to perform your massage...

If you invite one of our masseuses to visit you in your hotel, it also provides peace of mind to know that our ladies will never approach the concierge or name you to any hotel staff they meet.

And if it’s an incall you are considering, it is reassuring to know you are attending a pleasant and high-class London residential address, rather than having to fear being spotted stepping inside a massage parlour.

So whether you want to shout the wonders of London Tantric massages from the rooftops or are in the camp of our clientele who prefer to conduct their sensual adventures in complete privacy, the choice is absolutely up to you. You can relax safe in the knowledge that your right to privacy will never be compromised by us.

If you have any further queries relating to incall or outcall massage, do feel free to call us on +44 7793 203224 or email us at [email protected]