For some people, the goal during an intimate time with their partner is to reach climax reasonably quickly. On the other hand, some people prefer to prolong it and achieve delayed gratification. 

Have you ever wondered how to last longer? If yes, you have probably searched for information on how to prolong your sexual intercourse, and you might have encountered online guides to a technique called 'edging'.

The technique of edging is to practice sexual stimulation, either through masturbation or sex, until the point of orgasm. When you are about to reach the 'edge,' which is an orgasm, you slow down or stop, and then you start building it up again. 

Some people claim that this technique provides a variety of benefits, such as an increase in the control of when you are about to ejaculate and a stronger orgasm. 

Although there is not a lot of research on this topic, there are some studies that 'edging' and other correlated techniques can help in treating premature ejaculation and might improve sexual performance. 

In this article, we are going to cover the topic of 'edging'. We will start by explaining the concept, how it works, the benefits that can arise from it, and how to apply it while masturbating or during sexual intercourse. 

Edging 101

Edging is a technique of stopping yourself or your partner from reaching a climax. When you are about to approach orgasm, or as we call it, 'edge', the sexual stimulation is significantly reduced or stopped altogether. The 'edge' in that context can be explained as the point where you or your partner are just about to fall off the mountain into the sexual climax. 

Nowadays, more and more people are discovering this technique. However, it has been around for many years. It was introduced by James H. Semans in 1975, for the Journal of Sexual Medicine. In his research, he suggested treatment for people suffering from premature ejaculation, which focuses on a 'stop and start method’ to help men last longer in bed. 

Exactly like edging, the stop-and-start technique involves stimulating yourself or a partner until the point of orgasm. You slow down or stop until the need for ejaculation slowly goes away.

Simply put, it means you stop the sexual stimulation right before orgasm. Wait anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute, and then start doing it again and again until you are ready to have an orgasm. However, the duration of 'edging' dramatically depends on the person, situation, and personal preferences. 

According to many sex therapists, some people use edging and still have an orgasm in the same session, while for others, the delayed gratification can last hours, days, or even weeks in some cases. It's known that the longer someone is on the 'edge', the more likely it is that it results from a kink. 

There are a few benefits to using the edging technique; however, it might not be suitable for everyone. For people who suffer from difficulties staying present in the act, problems with arousal, or erectile difficulties, the technique of edging might not always be suitable and can cause a ruined orgasm or loss of interest. 

All in all, for many people, it sounds like a great cheat code to stay longer in bed; however, it's not as easy as it seems and can take a little bit of practice to do it right. 

Before we jump straight into the edging technique, it's important to understand how orgasms work. 

Orgasms 101

According to the book 'Human Sexual Response' written by William Masters & Virginia Johnsons in 1960, there are four stages of arousal, which can help you to understand better when is the right moment, when to stop and when to start stimulating yourself or your partner. 

  • Excitement - In this stage, the stimulated person starts to experience arousal signs such as a rise in heartbeat, blood starts to flow quicker, and the outer parts of the genitals will start to swell.
  • Plateau - This phase is everything that happened in the first stage, times ten. When the action has been going for long enough, you or your partner will feel that the orgasm is not far away. In this stage, you should pay attention to your or your partner's body and be ready to slow down or completely stop the stimulation. 
  • Orgasm - For many, this is the most important stage. An orgasm is when a person reaches peak pleasure. The human body releases tension, and the muscles start to contract. Females will experience vaginal wall contractions, and males are going to ejaculate.
  • Resolution - In this post-orgasm stage where you lay back and let all of your muscles relax. During this time, you won't be able to get another arousal for at least a couple of minutes.

Is edging safe?

Right now, there is no relevant research stating that the technique of edging or start and stop, as we mentioned before, is harmful to your body. It only depends on what you do to achieve the 'edge'. If it's just stopping or slowing down the simulation, it's totally fine, but if it involves something else, such as completely cutting off the circulation, it might be dangerous. 

Some people believe that edging makes your semen build up in your body and causes harm. As we mentioned in the previous section, human orgasm is a very complex process involving many parts of your body, such as your nervous and reproductive systems. If you never get past the 'edge,' which is a point of no return, nothing is going to happen, and your or your partner's semen won't get 'stuck' inside your penis. And if you never reach orgasm, any sperm that was not used will be broken down and reabsorbed.

How to edge

All in all, the technique of edging is quite a simple process. Whether you are doing it alone while masturbating or with a partner during sex, all principles stay the same. When getting close to the orgasm, try to reduce the stimulation significantly or stop it altogether. Wait anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute, or longer if you prefer, and start doing everything again. 

How to do it alone

The easiest way to try out edging is to do it by yourself. By doing so, you are in complete control of what is happening. What is more, if you want to try it out during sex with your partner, it is good to practice a few times beforehand. It will allow you to understand your body better and get used to the feeling of reaching orgasm and knowing when to stop. 

We have simple steps to follow if you want to do it alone:

  • Stimulate yourself until you are almost at the point of having an orgasm
  • Right before you are going to orgasm, significantly reduce the stimulation or completely stop.
  • Wait an appropriate amount of time to ensure that the point of reaching the orgasm has disappeared. 
  • Start to stimulate yourself again, and repeat the process as often as you want.

How to edge during sex

During sexual intercourse with your partner, the edging technique is more or less the same as doing it while masturbating. Before you start this, you must communicate with your partner about your plans and get clear consent. It will also allow your loved one to know that they should slow down when you are about to reach an orgasm.

Here are some simple steps which you can follow during your next fun times with your partner:

  • Start doing whatever brings you close to an orgasm with your loved one.
  • When you begin to feel that the orgasm is near, start to slow down whatever you were doing for stimulation, and if it involves penetrative sex, you could also pull out for a moment. 
  • Wait an appropriate amount of time to ensure that the point of reaching the orgasm has disappeared. 
  • When everything calms down, start doing it again and repeat it as many times as you like.

If you want to make things more interesting, we suggest trying out speeding things up, slowing down or starting with an erotic massage. You can also change the positions and remember to communicate with your partner, as it will make things easier. 

Lastly, edging can be a fun and exciting way to spice up things alone or with your partner, last longer, and improve your sexual performance. You can also try it out if early ejaculation and quick orgasms are bothering you.