Here at London Tantric, we get frequent enquiries from couples wanting to know if they can enjoy a tantric massage London together and how the massage session works. Our resident blogger Rose Colette Aston explains how she approaches couples massage bookings and what she loves about them in this week's blog:


For me, and for many of the London Tantric masseuses I know, meeting couples is always one of the biggest pleasures of this wonderful job, as these can be some of the most interesting, exciting and intimate of tantric massage sessions, and it is always a pleasure to be invited to share these sensual moments.

An Adventure For Three

As two thirds of our party invariably have a deep sexual connection already, couples massages can sometimes be more immediately and overtly erotic, yet it is also common that the session takes on a slower pace, as all three of us learn how to best connect and relax into this sensuality together. I often meet couples who are having their first tantric massage experience, and also couples who are sharing a sensual moment with a third person for the first time; so these are new erotic territories to be discovered and fantasies to be played out via the added delights of tantra. Perhaps this is one of the things I find so exciting about meeting couples- every couples massage is an unpredictably unique experience, and it’s incredibly beautiful to see couples discovering new things about each other’s sensuality through the art of sensual touch.

Pleasure For All

Couples masseuses are regularly asked if one partner has to be the voyeur whilst their partner is massaged before then swapping places: absolutely not- unless you enjoy the voyeurism/ exhibitionism dynamic, in which case us tantric practitioners are happy to explore this with you!  It is more common that, after chatting with you both about your wishes and desires, a masseuse will begin by inviting you both on to the bed, caressing both of you, and then perhaps inviting you to take turns in being massaged whilst the person not receiving the massage helps her to pamper their partner. This unites us all in the sensual energy, enables us to fall into the same sensual pace together, and also encourages partners to sensually connect with each other as well as with their masseuse throughout the session. It is also an opportunity to learn some tantric massage techniques, if you so wish.

Reconnect With Your Partner With Tantric Massage

Because it is the case for all of us in relationships that we may not spend as much time as we’d ideally like to connecting with our partner in a pampering, erotic and caring way, a couples massage can often provide a safe space in which to indulge in unhurried sensuality together, whilst also enjoying (and learning about) the arts of tantra from a trained practitioner.

It is not uncommon to feel nervous or shy prior to your first couples massage, or even concerned that you may have a negative reaction once in the situation. We encourage you to think deeply about whether you would enjoy a couples massage, and to talk openly about this with your partner. If it’s something you both are interested in then rest assured that couples masseuses are sensitive to your individual needs and desires, and will approach the session at a pace that feels comfortable for you both. Relaxation and a sublimely exciting tantric experience follows…. : )


If you would like to book a couples massage, please see our Couples information page and gallery of couples masseuses, or feel free to contact us for personal recommendations.