What are erotic massage agencies in London like?


What is a typical day in the life of a masseuse working with an erotic massage agency?

I’m not sure there are any typical days, as one of the wondrous things about being an erotic massage therapist is that every day can be unique, due to the different clients we meet. With each client, even if I have met them before, there is a fresh energy, depending on what we are both bringing to the session that day. Therefore no two massage sessions are ever entirely alike, which I love.

As I also study, most weekdays for me begin with me attending my university, and then starting to see massage clients in the mid or late afternoon.

I offer incalls and outcalls in central London, working exclusively with London Tantric.

This means I may spend the afternoon or evening in my home, surrounded by candlelight and relaxing music, or I may be out to visit my clients at a hotel or their private residence.


Do you have any routines or rituals to prepare for your erotic massage sessions?

Yes, I always meditate before beginning my massage work for the day.

I will do a vipassana (mindfulness) meditation to ensure I am fully present and ready to receive and fully respond to the energy of my clients.

Often in preparation for my client’s arrival, I like to burn a little sage which is used to clear the energy in a room, ensuring a fresh atmosphere both literally and energetically for my client.

After lighting my candles and a few finishing touches to the ambience, I will do a 5 minute metta (loving kindness) meditation, which really helps me focus on how to connect more fully with my client, intuit his needs, and bring a positive, caring energy to our time together.


How do clients book their erotic massage with you?

The way we work is very simple- the agency field all enquiries for me, answering questions the clients have and helping them choose the erotic massage therapist and massage type which is best for them. Then the agency offer me the job. We know our clients lead very busy lives so I always ensure I answer the phone straight away so that the client can be on his way, or I can be jumping in a taxi to him, within the next few minutes.


What is it like working as an erotic masseuse in London?

I’ve worked as a masseuse in various major cities in Europe, though London has been my favourite place to do this job.

Here you meet such a diverse range of professional people, from the clients we meet to the other masseuses working with London Tantric.

I also love the locations I get to visit, from incredible Park Lane hotels, to Chelsea penthouses, and all of the journeys in between which shows me the incredible streets of London.

Perhaps due to the intense pace at which people live here, I’ve found London clients to be more open to the spiritual side of erotic massage- how to relax their minds as well as their bodies, and this means some very rewarding massage sessions for me, as I really get so much pleasure from helping them relax and guiding them through pleasurable sensations which in turn replenishes their energy.

Another wonderful thing has been working with London Tantric and engaging with their Evolve training program, which provides ongoing support in a wide range of tantric massage skills, so that my erotic massage repertoire has far expanded since working here.


Clara was interviewed by blogger and tantric massage practitioner Rose Colette Aston.

If you want to try an erotic massage London then call London Tantric on +44 7793 203224

See all of our London Tantric Masseuses in our Gallery.