Maintaining a healthy libido is important for many people looking for a fulfilling, intimate life and greater overall well-being. There are, however, many factors, including stress, age and lifestyle changes, that can result in a decrease in sexual desire. Although this is the case, we have some good news - there are multiple ways to prevent a decline in libido and keep the spark alive with your spouse or sexual partners. Let’s take a look at seven practical and effective tips you can use to maintain a consistent sex drive. 

Stress Management

Stress is a major libido killer. When you are constantly experiencing high pressure and feeling overwhelmed, your body produces high levels of cortisol, which can suppress sexual desire for many of us. Incorporating stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, body-to-body massage, or yoga into your lifestyle can significantly lower cortisol levels and enhance your sex drive. Self-care should always be a priority if you want to improve your well-being, especially for your intimate relationships. If you incorporate a better self-care routine into your day-to-day, you will likely notice a positive impact on your intimate life.

Stay Active

Partaking in regular physical activity is not only beneficial for overall health but also your desire for more intimacy. This happens because exercise increases blood flow, boosts mood-enhancing endorphins and improves body image. All of these factors contribute to a healthy mindset and healthier sex drive. Everyone should aim to exercise at least 30 minutes most days if they wish to keep their libido thriving; this could be a quick gym session, spin class or run in the park.

Balanced Diet

Maintaining a balanced diet is important if you want to improve your sexual health. Foods containing certain nutrients, including vitamin D, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids, have been linked to our hormonal balance and a better intimate desire. Incorporating whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables into your everyday diet will help with this, especially the likes of avocado, nuts and dark chocolate for their aphrodisiac properties. These three foods, in particular, can spice up your sexual experiences.

Sleep Routine

A lack of sleep is not only bad for our mindset, motivation and general well-being, but it also has a negative impact on our libidos. Experiencing a constant struggle with diminished sleep can cause havoc with our hormone levels. We should aim to achieve 7-9 hours of quality rest per night, and we can do this by creating an established routine, comfortable environment and limiting our screen time. Ensuring you get the restorative sleep your body needs will help you maintain a healthy libido.


Communicating effectively with your partner is essential when understanding each other's needs, desires and concerns surrounding intimacy. Relationships can come with issues, conflicts and unexpressed feelings, and all of these frustrations can lead to a decrease in sexual desire. Regularly discussing your emotions, thoughts, and feelings with your partner in a safe and non-judgemental space can help maintain emotional intimacy and a strong connection that positively impacts your sex drive.

New Experiences

If you have been with the same partner for a while, you may be in a routine that can lead to boredom in the bedroom. To keep the excitement alive, it is important to not only communicate about your desires but explore new fantasies and experiences together. Trying new things like a tantric, erotic or couples massage can be a great way to reignite the passion in the relationship and increase sexual desire for you both. It is important to only do things you are both comfortable with and remember that consent is paramount when exploring new intimate territories.


A natural part of life is hormonal fluctuations. For women, this happens monthly as well as when experiencing menopause, and for men, it happens when they are facing andropause. The changes throughout these periods can impact sexual desire, function and overall mood. If you have noticed a significant decrease in your libido when going through these changes, it is advised to consult with a healthcare professional. Depending on the severity of your case, they may recommend lifestyle changes, treatments or a referral to someone for guidance on hormone therapy. These will all help you to maintain better intimacy as and when your hormones change.

Fulfilling and satisfying sexual experiences with a significant other is essential for overall well-being and happiness. Incorporating a few or all of these seven tips into your daily life, you can effectively and proactively prevent a decrease in your and your partner's libidos, and you can begin to enjoy a more intimate life together. Remember that every individual journey is unique, and you should not be afraid to communicate and experiment to find what works for you both. A relationship built on trust, comfort and a non-judgemental environment will thrive when finding ways to better an intimate bond. Self-care, open communication and a positive mindset will help you maintain a strong sexual connection and improve your libido for years to come.